Poem: Which Pill Did He Take?
Was the Batman Shooter on Antidepressants?

As the sun is setting,
And the flags are flying at half mast,
Shrouding the tears from the twelve who can cry no longer,
I have to ask,
Which pill did he take?
Was it red?
Was it blue?

Any pill,
Any pill at all,
To cover his pain,
Until his pain became rage,
Mixed with chemically induced mania, psychosis,*
Stuffed inside one man,
Until it shot out of him,
In the form of bullets.

And pill pushers reaped the profits.
While the victims paid the price.

And so I must ask again,
Which pill did he take?
Was it red?
Was it blue?

But in the media there is silence….
And more silence…
And more silence…

Until these drugs,
Create murders once more.

And again,
After those

The sun will begin to set,
And the flags will be lowered to half mast,
Shrouding the tears from the those who can cry no longer,
And again,
I will have to ask,
Which pill did they take?
And when will they tell us the truth?

I wrote this poem because I wanted to ask the question about James Holmes, the batman shooter,  that the media is not asking.  Why is no one questioning if he was on antidepressants or anti psychotics or in the withdrawal process from these drugs?  The way he acted is typical of others who have experienced the mania that can be caused by these drugs.  It is horrifying to believe but also unfortunately true.

*Many studies have shown antidepressants and anti psychotic drugs to have side effects of anxiety, psychosis, homicide, suicide and mania along with many other side effects. Below are just a few of those studies:

Study published in PubMed (US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health): The results of the study were “Forty-three (8.1%) of 533 patients were found to have been admitted owing to antidepressant-associated mania or psychosis.”


News clippings showing side effects of suicide and homicide from antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs


Links between homicides and antidepressants and anti psychotic drugs:

Medication Madness: True Stories of Mayhem, Murder, and Suicide Caused by Psychiatric Drugs by Peter Breggin


Huge list of Murder and Other Violent Acts and the prescription drugs that are connected to the Acts


4 thoughts on “Poem: Which Pill Did He Take?
Was the Batman Shooter on Antidepressants?

  1. I just updaed the poem from “Was James Holmes on Antidepressants?” to “Was Adam Lanza on Antidepressants?” for the Connecticut shooting done by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He was allegedly taking Fanapt, an antipsychotic with known side effects of violent behavior. I will continue to update this blog if any more mass shootings happen.

  2. When I had suicidal thoughts and actions as a direct result of the reckless perscribing of psychiatric medication, the police came and the papers wrote about it. I had that suicide by cop Idea going on when my behavior got them called. People have no Idea how these mind drugs can mix up the balance between thoughts and feelings and create a real bad downward spiral real fast then rational thinking takes a hike. If I did end up dead they would have blamed me and my “mental illness”, he was depressed…(mental health B.S goes here) and killed himself.

    1. Thank you so much for writing your experience with those drugs. I really wish that more people realised how harmful they can be. Do you have any links to any stories in the paper that were written about you that you would like to share?

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