Poetry Book


“Poetry for All Those Breathing” Amy Marschak

Only $14.95

“Many people have said that reading “Poetry for All Those Breathing” inspired them to write their own poems.

Read Book Excerpts

(click on poem below)

| “Sometimes” | “Listening to the Radio”|

“Poetry for All Those Breathing”

“Super inspirational poetry that melts right down to your soul.”

-Rob F., Graphic and Web Designer

“Amy openly speaks from the soul with a gentle candor

that encourages and heals the hurting heart.”

-April G., Accountant


“Best human writing since the Tao Te Ching.”

-Grant C., Boulder, CO


“I am deeply touched by your collection of poetry

‘Poetry for All Those Breathing’…”

-Anne Doherty, Chicago, IL


“I read your poetry book and was completely taken by what you wrote…

Reading your poetry book was like looking inside myself…

I keep your book by my nightstand.

I read it at night. I read it as a bible, I read it as a form of serenity,

I read it as a form of understanding, it is my companion when I feel alone.”

-Stacy R., Winnipeg, MB



“Poetry for All Those Breathing” Amy Marschak

Only $14.95

“Many people have said that reading “Poetry for All Those Breathing” inspired them to write their own poems.

Read Book Excerpts

(click on poem below)

| “Sometimes” | “Listening to the Radio”|

“Thanks so much for your wonderful book of poems. I’ve read it,

related to it and will reread it again soon.

It’s so heart felt, sensitive and true…”

-William A. Schwartz,

Writer and Producer of “Christmas in Cartoonland”, Santa Monica, CA


“I thought of your performance and thoughts from your book many times.

Very special insights…”-Robin

“I love the book and keep it at my desk at work.”

-Georgia G., Seattle, WA


“I really enjoyed your poetry book. I related in some instances and

on others I was simply made to think a bit…” -Dan


“I sat down to read a few poems out of your poetry book

and I couldn’t put it down.

You are very good at capturing emotions with words.

I also like the user friendly layout, lots of white space per page,

because it made the words more of a treasure…

(I have) a poet friend, Leslie.

I showed her your book and she made me loan it to her…”

-Becky Mate, The Reader’s Writer, Glendale, CA


“I stumbled across your book ‘Poetry for All Those Breathing’

and I was instantly hooked…

I felt like someone gotten a hold of my journal and published it.

I loved it!

-Amy F., Wheaton, IL


“Your poems are exceptional- you have a very special talent.

I have read a lot of survivor poetry –

yours is universal and will touch everyone…”

-Lynne Finney, Author of “Reach for the Rainbow” Park City, UT




“Poetry for All Those Breathing” Amy Marschak

Only $14.95

“Many people have said that reading “Poetry for All Those Breathing” inspired them to write their own poems.

Read Book Excerpts

(click on poem below)

| “Sometimes” | “Listening to the Radio”|

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