Amy Marschak Wins Vote as Santa’s Official Poet

For more info and to bring Santa’s Poet to you virtual events this Christmas go to

The North Pole Poet Laureate on KOA Mandy Connell Show


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Amy Marschak, a Colorado based Improv Poet, has just accepted Santa’s request to continue with her duties as the North Pole Poet Laureate for this Christmas season.

“She inspired so much joy and happiness with her poetry last season, that all of the residence of the North Pole unanimously voted to have Amy Marschak continue as the official North Pole Poet Laureate,” said Santa.  “All of the reindeers actually did a poetic areal dance as their vote for Amy.  We are very excited to re-confirm her and cannot wait to hear about her poetic adventures this season.”

“I was thrilled to get the news and look forward to spreading rhyming holiday cheer this season,” said Amy Marschak.  “Last Christmas was amazing, I was even able to poetically represent Santa at two Christmas Themed athletic marathons.”

When asked what she looks forward to this holiday season, Amy Marschak replied, “Laughter, smiles and inspiring others to hear their own internal poetry, this Christmas and throughout the year.  I am also looking forward to my pre-Christmas briefing with Santa, Mrs. Claus, the elves and the reindeer up at the North Pole.  The North Pole is an incredible place.  You cannot help but be extremely joyful when you are in the presence of Santa and all of the North Pole residence.”

Laugh, be moved and experience spontaneous word craftsmanship!  As the guests enter the North Pole Poet area, they drawn into a world of poetic creativity. Amy Marschak, The Improv Poet, brings a poem to life using word(s) or phrase(s) provided by your guests.  Then right before their very eyes (and ears) a unique, unexpected, improvised poetry performance will appear.


The North Pole Poet interview in Denver’s Westword

“You did an amazing poem about the Titanic and SpongeBob…Wow! Great job, awesome talent!…Thank you for that special moment!”

“This was better than all of the lectures and workshops at our conference.”
-Three teachers attending a conference

“You did a poem for my mom months ago and she still talks about it.”

“You are amazing. You captured our history and the moment in a very unique and special way. Thank you!”

“I’ve lived here for a few years and this is the best thing that I’ve ever done in Boulder.”

“Thank you for the poem about parkour and lithography and Nepal, You’re amazing!”

“I thought you were reciting a Shel Silverstein poem.”
-Mom who walked up after I was already performing poem

“I really did enjoy your poem. You are incredibly talented” -T. S.

“Oh my gosh…Amy…you SO rocked that poem…that was an ABSOLUTE hoot!” -Jo B.

Thank you so much! That was the highlight of my night…”

“Thank you again for the beautiful poem, it was exactly what I needed…”

“Thank you so much for doing what you do. I love it.”

“Thank you Amy! This poem is awesome!”

“Received (video of the poem) and love it. Thank you!”

Some of the places I have performed are Palm Springs, CA, Copper Mountain Resort, Boulder, Ottawa, and Santa Monica.

12 thoughts on “Amy Marschak Wins Vote as Santa’s Official Poet

  1. We had Amy do a poem for my son’s 22nd. Birthday It was absolutely amazing!! I can’t say enough good things about this lady!!! She made the day super special! When we weren’t able to be there in person she made it possible virtually!! Thank you so much!!!!

    1. You are so very welcome. It was really un to interact with everyone who was a part of your son’s birthday celebration!

  2. Hi Amy,
    checked it out tonight and i love you’re poetry…the one for the little girl about snow white was wonderful!…it’s such a kindhearted thing you’re doing…thanks for letting me know…

    1. I did not take a video of that poem. Please feel free to get another poem from me when you are in the area and I have a camera that you are welcome to use to tape it.

  3. I enjoyed meeting you at the North Powder Huckleberry Street Dance. If you are in the area I would enjoy seeing you perform your gift.

  4. Would you like to perform your poetry at the Lafayette Cannon Mine Cafe Poetry Reading Series on the second Thursday in June? We’d love to hear you in person. Send me an email . I’m the host of the Poetry Reading Series and I hope you can make it.

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