Pent up inside
Waiting to E X P L O D E!
Waiting for the right moment
The right
Thing to be
To get out of the cage of
Waiting for me
To give the
Okay to open
The flood gate
And be alive
And whole
Once again
If only for a moment
Waiting to be free.
I wrote this poem to describe how I sometimes feel inside despite my sweet demeanor on the outside. This poem is in my book “Poetry for All Those Breathing.
I would love to hear you speak more about this poem….I know it so well, I feel I could have written it myself….Curious as to what got you feeling this way…..
It is a poem about emotions from an abusive childhood, that keep popping up and trying to come out in the present. It is about my struggle with allowing myself to be angry, which is not socially acceptable or keeping the anger inside and not allowing myself to heal.